Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Seven Years On....

He is so seven, our Fergus.  Cheeky, bouncy, bright as a button with an amazing dry sense of humour and our family trademark of overacting ability.  So precious he takes my breath away.

   It seems overindulgent to look back and focus on his birth but it was so special I do remember it with such joy each year.  It wasn't the instant resolution of all my hurt, I didn't ever really expect it to be but it was a great big fist in the air,  an I told you so to every medic who told me my body couldn't birth my babies.

  And so today ,and I for the rest of my life,  I will first say a fervent prayer of thanks to God who listened and was there.  I will then raise a glass to my darling Raymond who trusted me even when I doubted myself, to fantastic Mary Cronk without whom I could never have dared a VBA3C, to gorgeous Andrya Prestcott who gave him that tug out he needed when his hips got stuck and gave me so much beautiful, intuitive support on the day, to lovely Sue Rose who so quickly became a part of the team.    Huge thanks too to all those real life and virtual friends who kept me going through that very long pregnancy, listened to my fears and kept me believing in myself and in the possibility of birth after horror especially the Beautiful Women and the UKVBACHBAC list.  Thank you all, so very much, always.

And now enough bathos, I have a cake to bake :-)

1 comment:

  1. Lesley that's beautiful! Well done and happy birthday to fergus! xXx
